Wednesday, 1 August 2012


Sometimes it just feels like that.  Like you know where you want to go but you’re feet are stuck in cement.  Or you start off full of energy and sprite but everything you touch resists.  Is it a sign that maybe the direction you’re going in isn’t right?  That maybe you need to rethink the whole thing?  
And so the questioning goes following a winding labyrinth.  With head down we ponder why things aren’t going our way.  Why it’s so hard to focus? Why it feels like one step forward and two steps back. What if it’s just been wasted time going in the wrong direction?  Then there’s this over here that needs attention and that over there that we need to get to....our head swimming now, when suddenly we realize that we’ve made our way up to the very top of a very slippery slope.
Sometimes all it is, is a bad day. Sometimes we just don't see the labyrinth for the trees. It's going to be okay.  
The faeries will be busy tonight collecting our scattered thoughts and scooping up our wayward intentions, scrubbing out the nooks and crannies where doubt has collected, and getting everything spick-and-span for the morning.

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