Thursday, 13 September 2012


What or who is your psychological parent?  I’m not talking the nurturing parent.  And it doesn’t need to be a person, it can be a thing.  

What circumstance, or thing or person elicits this imbalance of power?  Is it your boss?  Is it your kids?  Is it your home life?  Is it driving a car?  Crowds?  What is it that makes you feel overwhelmed, helpless and unable to cope?  What represents such an authority over you that you are unable to challenge it?

We obey our parents for a relatively short period of time.  Then we grow up and part of that process is learning to think for ourselves.  And yet, there are ‘trigger’ events, or things or people, that take us back to when we were children and, especially if you had volatile parents, elicit overwhelming feelings of powerlessness.

These are critical feelings to examine.  It's the only way to  identify what or who wields this enormous power that keeps you pinned to the ground.

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