Friday, 16 November 2012


We know our landscape, our environment, our nest, best.   

But some folks make whole careers out of asking other people for their opinion on their landscape.  Most of the time it’s because they’ve been taught to believe that they’re defective in some way and only a ‘professional’ can help them understand why their nest feels too small.  Or, why the same stuff keeps showing up in their landscape, over and over again.  It’s so much easier to ask someone else for their opinion than coming up with our own.

The truth is, nobody knows our landscape the way we do.  And nobody is better at interpreting what’s showing up better than we are.  What’s required though is a willingness to dig down to our roots.  If we’re courageous enough to climb down our family of origin tree and are brave enough to revisit that landscape, we’ll find the answers. We’ll arrive at an understanding of the what, why and how of our life.

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