Oh yes, a new year and boo hoo, you're all alone. Oh wait a minute, you're not. Is that a guy in your bed that you picked up because it was New Years Eve, you got shit-faced and... you never know it could turn into a relationship.
A lot of women are not going to buy into this and that’s okay. There are a lot of women who would rather bemoan the fact that they’re not in a relationship, how difficult it is to be in a relationship, how disappointing online dating is, how difficult it is to meet people, etc., etc., I don’t have an answer for these women -- actually I do, but like I said, they’re not really interested in hearing it.
The answer is this -- so what! Is that how big your life is? Are you waiting for someone to rescue you? Are you waiting for the man/women/small furry animal to make you feel safe and loved before you can actually lead a happy life? That is tragic indeed.
I think it’s this ‘rescue me’ attitude that makes women desperate. Since when have women abdicated their responsibility -- and don’t give me the old ‘well look at how we’ve been socialized.’ At some point you have to see what a load of crock that is and move on.
Now there's a resolution to think about.
Thank you for stating the truth! I've been saying for a while now that I am perfectly happy being alone. Sure there are times I'm lonely, but that's because I don't make plans not to be. It has nothing to do with the fact that I'm not with a guy....