Wednesday, 11 January 2012


“The tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion.”  
A former colleague had chosen to incorporate the word “frazzle” into their email address -- perhaps they felt that it reflected how busy they were.  It suggested to me someone disorganized, distracted and ineffective, not surprisingly, they were.
Some people can’t stop being in motion.  The only problem is that it’s the chicken without a head, kind of motion.  Busy with being busy, but not really getting anything done.  It’s just another form of distraction.  It’s another way of not having to deal with the messy, possibly painful stuff: the relationships that aren’t working, the soul-sucking jobs they have.  It's just another way of denying that whether they’re happy with their life or whether they’re not, rests in the decisions they make every second of every day.
So as your eyelids snap open tomorrow morning will you decide to whip yourself into a frazzle of useless motion or, will you be curious enough to slow down and ask “What am I in such a hurry to get away from?"  

1 comment:

  1. As always, great questions.
    Lately I've been stopping long enough (and yes sometimes I'm busy not getting stuff done) to really savour what I'm doing. Sitting with my students and helping them mix colour and really watching as the colours morph and change. Revelling in each student's painting with a full understanding of how much of their souls they're pouring into each stroke. How time stands still for them.
