Saturday, 7 July 2012


It is amazing to me how much people give away by mere association – who you hang out with, marry, live with, etc., says a huge amount about who YOU really are.

In fact, I find the perpetually angry, wound tighter than a spring kind of person much less interesting than the people in their inner circle. 

It’s fascinating to me how people are drawn to those that will reiterate and confirm their sense of unworthiness, their sense of not being good enough.  What’s even more fascinating to me is how these people take it a step further and enable and facilitate the individual and their damaging treatment of them.

Here’s the thing, being around perpetually angry people is not healthy.  Being around someone who is disengaged is not healthy, being around someone who tears you down is not healthy.  Most people understand the really obvious ways that relationships are unhealthy but fail to recognize the insidious ways that being around a perpetually angry person is damaging to their sense of worth.
Think about who you’ve let into your inner circle then take a deep breath (take personal responsibility) and disassociate yourself from those that do not bring out, support and represent your healthiest, best self.

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