When we’re close, when we’ve been working really hard toward our goal, we’ve jumped through hoops and overcome many many obstacles and now we’re beginning to see results and we’re getting excited and we can see the end, we glimpse the light at the end of the tunnel, just then...right there - looking at that light that looks like the sweetest sunshine, the bright path to fulfilling our dreams, will, to our horror, be an oncoming train.
The bigger the risk, the fear and the challenge, the bigger the train.
That train is the embodiment of the ultimate question, and it’s not “how badly do we want what we’ve struggled for? Rather, when all hell breaks loose, ESPECIALLY when we’ve worked and struggled toward something meaningful and we catch a glimpse of accomplishment, the question is, DO YOU HAVE THE COURAGE?
We mistakenly think that the challenge of the train is about attaining our ‘thing.” But it’s not, it’s about cultivating courage.
So, when the train presents itself, and it will, our instinct is to resist it, try and stop it, get discouraged and double back. Instead try something completely counter-intuitive that will TAKE A LOT OF COURAGE - RUN TOWARD IT, EMBRACE IT, WELCOME IT.