Saturday 13 April 2013


Oh yes, I’m sure there are those out there who think the sun shines beams out of your behind, but how about your inner circle? You know the people you can take for granted because they’ll always be there.  The ones who are so familiar they get on your last nerve.  Are they just as impressed?

Sometimes there’s a great distance between our public and private selves.  It’s so much easier to be nice to strangers, they have no frame of reference to call us on our crap.  But who do you think is more valuable to our growth?  Those closest to us or strangers?

Strangers can be great members of a mutual admiration society where everyone blows smoke, strokes egos, stays on the surface and feels warm and fuzzy.

Let’s not kid ourselves.  We cannot grow into authentic, compassionate human beings until we align our public and private selves to be one and the same.  Until we treat those in our inner circle with the care and respect we so often reserve for strangers.

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