Our potential is not an abstract concept. It is also not an accident and it’s not arbitrary to whether we’re lucky to have it or not. Potential is the gift bestowed on all of us for being human.
As humans we squander our potential by indulging in fear and resistance especially when we nudge closer to realizing that potential. So we gorge on simplistic and superficial distractions, be it violence, junk food, judgment or indifference.
Mostly, we waste our time settling for what looks like our potential by measuring it by the things we accumulate.
We hear a lot about potential. Unfortunately, it’s misunderstood most of the time. Potential is not about bucket lists, ‘things’ that need to be done and checked off. Potential is not about winning prizes and being the best so we can be king of the mountain. Potential has nothing to do with any of that.
Realizing our potential means that we fight through the fear to get to know who we are at our center. Realizing our potential is about profoundly going within, past our dysfunction and the lies and justifications we have bought into. Living our potential means living honestly, without deceit, without pretense.
The sad reality is that most folks will be too busy creating their bucket lists to work toward their true potential; too busy pretending to be who they are not; preoccupied with selfish, arrogant needs that has them convinced that they "deserve" to have that affair, max out their visa, help out their neighbour so that they can look down on them.
Humanity does not evolve this way, it stays stuck at the mundane and mediocre.