Friday 27 April 2012


When we respond to feelings of anxiety or fear with food we’re not listening to our authentic self, we’re listening to our ego.  And when we listen to our ego, we don’t often make good food choices.  

Our authentic self may be craving to just sit still and release those feelings but you won’t know this because the ego is shouting so loudly.  That’s what the ego does.  It has loud, kicking and screaming temper tantrums to get its way.  

Your authentic self on the other hand is the patient, calm light in the corner waiting with open arms, but you can’t see it because you’re distracted by the little ball of mashugana writhing on the floor, so you tend to it because it’s causing such a commotion.


  1. Love this!! I think we're almost hardwired to tend to the "mashugana" on the floor :)

  2. I know, it's crazy when you think about it.
