Friday, 25 May 2012


Humans are stubborn.  They say they want things to be simple, but in reality they don’t.  They’re suspicious of things that are too simple.  But let’s be clear - I’m saying simple -- not easy.  There’s a big distinction.
So how do you begin to live your best life?  It’s a confusing thing when you first try to understand it but it’s really quite... simple.
The simple part is needing to stay in the present. The best way to do that is focus on your breath, going in and going out -- that’s it.  Simple yes, easy...not so much.
The second thing you do is separate your THOUGHTS from YOU - again, pretty simple in concept, not so easy in practice.
The best way to accomplish the first is to simply do it, pay attention to your breath as you intake air and as you let it go - do it slowly.  It becomes easy with practice.
The best way to accomplish the second is to come to the realization that YOU are NOT your THOUGHTS.  This is mindblowing once you understand that.  The way I found helped me is to first understand what it is to touch the centre of who I am without any words -- I find focusing a sense of calm around the area of my heart allows me access to who I am - gives me a sense of the spirit of who I am.
Then this equation:
I do it visually - I visualize a bank on either side of a river, on the far bank are my thoughts and as one tries to cross the river, I let it be swept up in it.  My spirit self is on the other side untouched and whole.  The objective is to sit quietly with your spirit self for as long as possible without having any of the thoughts cross the river.  
The only way this becomes easy is with practice.  But there is no question that it is simple.  It requires no special training, equipment, roadmap, outfit, space, furniture, appliance, nothing - just you. Easy!

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