Sunday, 13 May 2012

Mothers are people too

Whether your mother is tied to you biologically or not, is neither here nor there.  We are all anchored to a mother, we’ve all had an individual in our lives who nurtured us.  And while we were all birthed by a woman, the individual who nurtured us does not necessarily need to be a woman, or the woman who bore us, in fact, sometimes, we’ve had to be our own mothers.  
What makes us mothers is the nurturing part, not the pushing a watermelon through the nose part.  We all have the capacity to nurture, each other and most importantly ourselves.  It puzzles me then how difficult it is for most of us to do that - to be that unconditional soft place to fall, to be our number one fan and best champion.  While some of us had to learn to nurture ourselves when we were little, we’re children for a very short period of time.  It’s when we’re all grown up that we need it the most and do it the least.
Nurturing ourselves means listening to our hearts’ desire, knowing, in our bones, that we deserve to be treated with respect, understanding that when we check in with our internal nurturer, we cannot make a bad decision -- our life will always feel on track and authentic.
It’s kind of cool that we have a day to remind us of our mothers, to remind us that we’re all mothers, to remind us to nurture ourselves. 


  1. Love this Ursula! As I sit in my hotel room alone on Mother's Day, you remind me to take good care, even if Mike and the kids aren't around to 'honour' me.

  2. AW, This is soooo true. It's the most important thing you can do. See you when you get back home.
