Thursday, 24 May 2012


How do you stand in the world?  Is it apologetic, slump-shouldered and up against the wall?  Is it on tippy-toes stepping over eggshells your nerves frayed, your stomach in knots?  
How do you occupy real estate in your life?  Are you spread so thin and say yes to so many things that you’re showing up as your mediocre self at best?  Are you focusing on curb appeal - what you look like from the outside and neglecting what’s happening on the inside?
You are bequeathed a footprint when you are born, an allotted space that is solely yours to take up.  Some of us forget that and shrink back occupying less and less space, we do this literally sometimes, with dysmorphic body issues: eating disorders to get so thin we almost disappear; never speaking up for ourselves and letting people trample us under foot, staying in abusive relationships that end in others literally ending us.  It is not okay.  
Our space is our space, it is ours to take up, it is ours to maintain, like a garden to plant and weed and tend, to harvest and set seeds free to pollinate again.  It is absolutely okay to build a fence around this garden, as a boundary to others, as a parameter for ourselves that reminds us who and what can and cannot cross it.

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