Our journey is not an option. Some of the challenges we encounter on our journeys are not options - we’ll meet them whether we want to or not. By and large, however, the majority of the challenges that get in our way, are of our own making.
And although good-intentioned, sometimes we get in our way by simply trying to understand why we get in our way. You know what, it doesn’t really matter why we do it. It’s more important to realize we’re doing it and STOP. Ya, simple I know in concept - excruciatingly hard to do in practice.
The problem, I think, is that we assume that when we’ve grasped the concept, we’ve eradicated the problem in practice and worse, if we’ve mastered getting out of our way in one scenario, that we’ll never get in our way again EVER.
Rather, it’s what I understand flying a plane is like. For the majority of time you’re off course and by making constant small adjustments are you able to get to your destination.
So too with getting out of our way:
- Recognize it when it’s happening
- Adjust to get back on course
- Repeat
- Repeat
- Repeat
The majority of time number 2 requires us to step back and do nothing because what we’re usually busy doing is stirring the pot with hand-wringing and story-making, or fanning a tempest in a teapot with ruminations on the past or projections of the future.
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