Saturday 18 February 2012

Managing Stories

Just as we’re humming along feeling as though we’re on track and making progress toward our goals, living with compassion and authenticity, we’re smacked upside the head with something unexpected, something that knocks us back on our heels.   
While we know that leaning in toward a challenge is a good way to push through and control the stories we’re telling ourselves, things like: Why does this always happen to me? I’m never going to achieve my goal?  What’s the use? etc., sometimes, we get so stuck in this negative groove we can’t remember how to lean in.
Deepak Chopra suggests asking yourself three questions to help you get unstuck.  The answers clear a path so you can see the challenge without destructive stories.  It’s a psychological bracing that allows you to stand sideways, thrust your chest up, roll the shoulders back and with a heave, lean in.
  1. Is this a problem I should fix, put up with or walk away from?
  2. Who can I consult who has solved the same problem successfully?
  3. How can I reach deeper into myself for solutions?
Click the link below to view Chopra’s explanations to these questions.

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