Saturday 19 May 2012

A Sure Thing

A sure thing exists only in retrospect - in order for it to be a sure thing, we need to know the ending, we need to know how it turned out.
So if we’re living our lives waiting for a sure thing, we’re living our life in retrospect, we’re living our life in the past.
Folks who live this way do so with the best of intentions, they want to avoid pain because uncertainty, for them, is uncomfortable and scary.  Who wants to live like that?  
A worse scenario though is living stuck where all you can do is talk about wanting your life to be different.  People who are stuck are nothing if not seekers of certainty or a sure thing. 
But be honest, are people tired of hearing you talk about it yet?  Do they walk out of the room when you walk in because they know the conversation will inevitably become a lame and long-winded dirge on how bad your life sucks?
Good.  Welcome to the club where no one lives in a sure thing world, but we all move forward anyway, feeling the angst and fear and all.  We appreciate what’s in our life RIGHT NOW and have faith in what’s to come in the future.  

You want to get unstuck? Contemplate on the present, even if all you can manage is to focus on your lungs expanding and contracting, it’s a start.

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