Tuesday 2 October 2012


There is nothing more damaging to a person’s authenticity, I think, than to make them believe that they need to be well-rounded.  That’s another way of saying, fit in, don’t make waves, don’t draw attention to yourself, do what everyone else is doing, be homogenous.  

I say cultivate sharp corners by zooming in to what you’re curious about, what captivates you, what draws out your exuberance, what in essence makes you feel alive and true.

How can anyone be themselves and be well-rounded?  People aren’t made to be homogenous.  And while well-rounded sounds as soft as an embrace, it actually feels like you’re being torn into a million pieces because in order to be homogenous you have to continuously tear off the bits of yourself that threaten to rebel.  In the name of fitting in, in the name of propriety, in the name of culture, in the name of feeling worthy of the love of our family, too many of us live painfully fractured lives.

The first step towards an authentic you, starts with, NO.

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