Wednesday 28 November 2012


I was out walking my little dog several months ago.  An elderly lady was walking toward me.  She was well into her 80’s and walked slow and careful.  She kept her head down making sure the ground was steady and clear for her footfall.  She was bundled up with a hat and scarf and warm coat.  She had sneakers on but the laces, on both shoes, were undone and dragging on the ground.  Our eyes met as we were about to pass each other.  I looked down at her shoes and then back into her face.  I stopped and turned around, she did the same.  I walked back to her and said:  
“Nice and brisk, today, isn’t it?” I bent down and tied her laces.
“Yes.” She said.  “It’s lovely.” She beamed at me, then turned around and walked on.

I never saw her before and I have never seen her since.

You see when we ask the universe to be of service, she provides us with opportunities.  We just need to see them.  This is how we are connected, by gestures that ripple out, by nests that rest on the many branches of a tree.

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