Friday 21 September 2012


Why is it that we have such a hard time being focused on the present? Why is it that we struggle to appreciate the moment we’re living in right now and choose rather to be distracted by what was past and what’s up ahead.  

We struggle to be present, that is, until we need to face something that might cause us pain.  Then we have no difficulty staying in the here and now, holding  at arms length any past pain or future fear that threatens to surface.

Interestingly, this has to do with our need to avoid pain at all cost.  But here’s the thing, we forget how often we’ve actually overcome fear. We forget that we have shown courage in our life at some point, at some time.

In fact, I bet you've overcome harder things than what you're struggling with right now.  You have simply forgotten.

The courage is there, waiting, and we can call it to our side at any time. We just need to remember that.

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