Wednesday 18 July 2012


So many of us think that we can fill that emptiness inside by things external to us.  It’s simply not true.  By pinning all of our desires for safety, comfort, love and fulfillment on things outside ourselves: people, places, things, we give away our power, we abdicate our responsibility to take care of ourselves.
In fact, the more tightly we hold on to things outside ourselves, the further away we push any hope for feeling safe, comfort, love and fulfillment.  It is only through being in charge of our own life, and making decisions for ourselves that we learn to recognize the capacity for these things in ourselves and others.
Being in an unsatisfying or abusive relationship is a sure sign that you are looking for things external to you to feel love and fulfillment and can therefore not recognize the lack of that capacity in others.
In a violent or abuse relationship you are convinced that you are incapable of providing safety, comfort, love and fulfillment for yourself and yet you so capably provide it to your abuser every day.  

You couldn’t be more wrong.  
It is excruciatingly important for you to see that you are more than thoroughly capable of taking care of yourself, inside and out.  Save yourself decades of heartache.

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